Walberg & Auge Patents
Here are 11 US patents filed by Bernard Walberg. We believe there are more.
If you know of any, please contact us. Thank you!
Patent US929175 CarryAll Bass Drum
Patent US1006155 - Folding Stand
Patent US1554538 Stand
Patent US1628937 - Cigar and Cigarette Holder
Patent US1837637 - Drum stand
Patent US2097004 - Flageolet
Patent US2116808 - Keyboard
Patent US2153821 - Folding Stand for Musical Instruments
Patent US2202410 - Musical Instrument of the Flute Type
Patent US2245883 - Stand for Drum and the Like
(The first clamping basket snare stand. AKA the "Buck
Rogers" stand.)
Patent US2499616 - Drum muffler